The School

George Whiteside founded Ashtanga Yoga Boston in 2007 to offer a traditional Ashtanga program in the Greater Boston area, which at the time had none. Ashtanga Yoga Boston remains committed to teaching the practice according to the traditional lineage as maintained by the Jois family for the past 70 years in Mysore, India and beyond. 

Per tradition, the majority of classes are conducted “Mysore-style” — students practice individually, in silence, with hands-on adjustments as each person needs. On the last day of the practice week (normally Friday), class is “led” — the Primary series of Ashtanga yoga is counted out, and all students practice together.  In both types of class, beginning and experienced students practice side-by-side.


George Whieside

George Whiteside

George has practiced Ashtanga yoga since 1996, with numerous trips to Mysore for further study, including most recently in the summer of 2018. He has had the great privilege of studying under both Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and Guru Sharath Jois. He received authorization to teach Ashtanga Yoga from in 2004 and is currently a Level 2 Authorized Ashtanga teacher.

Through years of teaching the practice (including a special teachers' course with Guru Sharath in Mysore), George has a thorough grounding in the Ashtanga teaching method.  That said, it is his own Ashtanga practice that is the basis for teaching, providing the proper perspective on both the challenges that arise and the many blessings that the practice brings, among them health, right action, discriminative discernment and self-understanding.